As a transgender boy, denial and the pressure of societal standards for masculinity keep me from realizing who I truly am. After all,...
Talking about mental health can be difficult. Not only are mental health issues widely stigmatized, but they can be hugely personal. Everyone who has been personally touched by suicide or mental health issues has the right to decide when, how, and if they want to discuss these topics. While this right is essential, it can […]
Welcome beautiful people of the internet! I’m Jay, coming at you with my first ever blog post. I know that you’re probably struggling with something (hence your presence on this website) and have somehow in someway stumbled upon this blog post to find some sort of relief or guidance. I have compiled a completely self-written […]
Mental illnesses command the atmosphere like tornadoes, spinning everything around in circles until we are stuck sorting through the aftermath of a once healthy life. They tear through homes, through friendships, through careers; they do it relentlessly and without apology. Mental illness hit me hard in college. I was failing classes. I had taken a […]
“Do you have a plan?” The words make me wince. I shift uncomfortably in my seat because I don’t know the answer. I wait for him to change the subject, but when I look back up my therapist is looking intently at me, his hands folded in front of him, patiently. A year ago, when […]