Posted by Greta on

Coming Out and Navigating My Sexuality

TW: Suicidal thoughts, depression, internalized homophobia, and panic attacks. June is Pride Month. Pride Month celebrates the many contributions made by the LGBTQ2SIA+ community to history, society, and cultures worldwide. This will be my first year of Pride as an openly queer person. It’s both scary and freeing.  The Gay Liberation Movement has come a […]

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Posted by Greta on

Navigating Big Life Transitions

Graduation balloons fill living rooms and college dorms echo with the sounds of packing tape. It’s the start of summer, and for many young people, this time signifies the start of big life transitions. Amidst the bittersweet goodbyes and nostalgic reflections, a sense of anticipation fills the air. Change is hard but it also opens […]

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Posted by Sammantha on

Growing into Pure OCD

CW: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, homicidal urges, mentions of depression and anxiety. Disclaimer: I am not a mental health professional. The following explains my experience with OCD.   When you hear the term “OCD”, you may think of lining everything up in order or keeping your room extremely clean. You may even picture Jack Nicholson’s character in […]

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Posted by Belle on

Making Stigma History

TW: Mention of depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, psychosis, mass shootings, and violence.  The stigma around anxiety and depression has impacted my healing journey. At 17, it discouraged me from asking my parents for help, ended my friendships, and left me feeling alone. At 22, it caused me to doubt my ability to be successful. At 25, […]

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