Posted by Greta on

Reducing the Stigma Around Mental Health Diagnoses

Last fall, I was diagnosed with several mental illnesses that shaped my mental health support, therapy, and treatment plans. Psychiatrists diagnosed me with major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, an unspecified eating disorder, and bipolar disorder. Through my own experiences, I’ve learned that getting a health diagnosis can be challenging–but [...]

Read Article 5 Min Read Advocacy

Posted by Irina on

Having The Conversation

The first time I brought up suicide to anyone, I felt scared. I was confused and concerned about what they would think. I had never even thought about reaching out to someone to tell them what I was thinking until that point, and instead I questioned everything that went through my mind. “Does it even […]

Read Article 5 Min Read Self-Harm

Posted by Vibrant Communications on

Be there

Suicide Prevention Month stirs up a lot of different emotions for different people. While some people use this time to show that they are here to help those who are struggling, other people feel a sense of sadness, hopelessness, or despair. The topic of suicide isn’t an easy one to talk about… as I write […]

Read Article 4 Min Read Anxiety

Posted by Leah on

You’ve Always Had the Power

Mental illnesses command the atmosphere like tornadoes, spinning everything around in circles until we are stuck sorting through the aftermath of a once healthy life. They tear through homes, through friendships, through careers; they do it relentlessly and without apology. Mental illness hit me hard in college. I was failing classes. I had taken a […]

Read Article 4 Min Read Anxiety

Posted by Kayla on

Understanding Self-Harm

My own personal story with self-harm began in ninth grade. I can remember sitting in my room feeling overwhelmed and confused. I didn’t know what to do so I turned to self-harm. I had remembered that a friend of mine in seventh grade had struggled with self-harm. I knew how hard it was for her […]

Read Article 4 Min Read Coping