How Calling the Lifeline Saved My Life
One particular night, YM Blogger Heather wanted to take her own life. Instead, she called the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Here's what happened next.
One particular night, YM Blogger Heather wanted to take her own life. Instead, she called the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Here's what happened next.
This time of year is hard for a lot of people for lots of reasons. There is the stress of the holidays. There are the challenges of coping with family. For many people this time of year is tough because of fewer daylight hours and less exposure to the sun in general. This lack of light in the winter season sometimes causes people to have symptoms of depression. We can write these feelings off [...]
I can’t tell you how often I used to tell myself that I couldn’t do something. No one else was telling me this, I just had no confidence myself. I couldn't see that my greatest enemy was me.
When I was depressed, I wanted a quick fix to my issues. Living in a world of immediate gratification, I wanted my problems to go away quickly and simply. After years of looking to others to fix me, I finally turned to the one person that I was
On December 4, 2011, after attempting to overdose on over-the-counter drugs, I was not thrilled to still be alive. Three years later, I am happy to be here. This is the story about the day that changed my life.
When I became depressed, I thought that was my new identity. I was a depressed person. Now I see that I am a complex person who also happens to be depressed. My mental illness is a part of me but it does not define me.
We all want to help our friends who are struggling with mental illness, but this can be tough especially if you are dealing with your own mental health issues. Too often people think that their experiences mental illness are the same as yours, and that just is not true. Everyone is different and everyone struggles differently. Here are some tips to help you be there for your friends and take care [...]
My story? I'm happy to say that I am still living it. But, here is the preface.
Some people paint to express themselves. Others draw or write, and some get tattoos.
Depression is a tough subject to talk about. No conversation about it is going to be an easy or comfortable one. Here are four things I’ve observed when trying to talk with someone about my depression and some tips on handling the conversation