March 2025



What is it?

You probably know that suicide is when someone decides to end their own life because death seems like a better option than living. You probably also know that young adults are most likely to make a suicide attempt than anyone else. But you may not know why you feel this way or how to make those suicidal thoughts go away.

Learning the risk factors that make someone more likely to attempt suicide can go a long way towards understanding why people feel that their lives aren’t worth living. Mental health issues, the loss of a loved one from death or a break-up, and substance abuse are all major risk factors. Dealing with these issues can help minimize thoughts of suicide. There are also protective factors like mental health care and a strong support system that can help strengthen resilience, which weakens the power of those risk factors. 

When you or someone you care about is suicidal, it’s incredibly important to get help immediately. Supporting someone who is thinking about suicide can be very stressful, it’s OK to get help for yourself too.

What are the warning signs?

  • Talking about wanting to die or to kill themselves
  • Looking for a way to kill themselves, such as searching online or buying a gun
  • Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live
  • Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain
  • Talking about being a burden to others
  • Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs
  • Acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly
  • Sleeping too little or too much
  • Withdrawing or isolating themselves
  • Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge
  • Displaying extreme mood swings

How can I get help?

Anytime you are in crisis you can call, text, or chat with the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988.

If you are a veteran or the family member of a veteran, call 988 and press 1 to speak with a trained crisis counselor. You may also chat online or text 838255.

Safety plans can help guide people through difficult moments and stay safe. Learn how to make your own.  The My3 App can help you stay connected to people in your support network.

The Lifeline created this website for people who have struggled with suicidal thoughts in the past as well as those who have survived a suicide attempt.


  • fred

    I’m going to kill myself on my b day Mar 7 I have fell in love with someone and lost someone who I once love .I’m going to get everything in order by then um just tried I can’t get a brake I’m living in my truck I have started drinking more and more u just can’t live with it

    Posted on

    • You Matter

      Fred, Thank you for reaching out to us however we do not provide any kind of crisis intervention or suicide prevention services on our You Matter Blog. The Lifeline is here for you any time day or night at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Don’t hesitate to call us. Your life matters!

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      • Katie

        i want to kill myself im 12 my grandparents are driving me insane i just want to freaking end it while i can cutting isnt even helping me right now i want to just freaking die im tired of waking up and hating myself

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        • You Matter

          Katie, No matter what problems you are struggling with, hurting yourself isn’t the answer. Your life matters! Please call the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). The call is free and confidential; we’re here for you 24/7/365.

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    • Susan

      Fred don’t take your life. please call the help line
      Life will get better. Lean on God He created you for a purpose

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    • Alan

      Fred, do not give up. I lost someone that I love tonight and my heart goes out to you but please understand that you’re here for a reason and that somebody will value you and love you for the amazing person that you can be and are. They will never know if you don’t allow that possibility to happen.

      Posted on

      • You Matter

        Alan, thank you for reaching out to our community and encouraging others! Don’t hesitate to call the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) if you ever need extra support. The call is free and confidential and counselors are available 24/7.

        Posted on

    • MaX

      Don’t worry, we’ll be here for you. We’ll do everything we can. I promise it’s not pitty, it’s called asking a favor? Can you at least try to feel better? I don’t even know you but that would still make me feel better, maybe it will make me think twice about my suicide. Because I’ll finally successfully make somebody happy. Since I’m such an asshole in real life. But it’s not just for me, I don’t care about me. On the inside I care about others. Please help me show that on the outside.

      Posted on

      • You Matter

        Max, thank you for your kind words to others here on the Youmatter blog.Please consider calling The Lifeline is here for you 24/7 at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

        Posted on

        • Maria

          Hi! I’m Spanish girl. I don’t know how I find this page but it’s important to me to write about that. I’m feeling that my life have not sense. I’ve eating disorder and depression and spent time in my house is difficult to me. I feel alone and lost. I haven’t nothing and no-one. The life is not kind with me. I can’t find light.

          Posted on

          • Vibrant Communications

            Maria, I am sorry to hear you are feeling so alone right now. If you are struggling with some tough thoughts right now don’t hesitate to call the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Our crisis counselors are here for everyone and anyone 24/7/365.

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    • Sarah

      Fred, Things are going to get better. Just like a cut You need to clean it, It may sting but it will get better and heal. Dont give up. There will be someone here to help you, I know im here for you.

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    • anna

      I’m 13. I’ve wanted to kill myself from when i was 7 years old but just never had the courage. Sometimes i just sit and cry for hours because i really want to end my life but i’m too scared to. My parents are abusive, my father has bruised me and busted my lip and nose open many times so that i had to skip school. My mother tells me every single day that i’m not worth anything. I want more than anything to be treated like a normal teenager but my mother won’t even let me have a phone. I’m just tired of everything and just want to die. Even if i tell my parents they would never believe me and tell me that its just a phase. My parents will never accept me as me and killing myself is the only way that I can accept that. I’ve tried to choke and hang myself quite a few times and almost took sleeping pills. Even though i know my parents treat me badly i love them and don’t want to hurt them. It just feels like no one would care if i died. I’m tired of everything. At school, i’m the most happiest funniest person and when i go home its just like i’m trapped with no where to go. I hate my life and would want nothing more than to just end it .

      Posted on

      • Vibrant Communications

        Hello Anna, I can’t even imagine what you have been through. No matter how hard things are – hurting yourself is never the answer. The Lifeline is here for you any time day or night at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Don’t hesitate to call us for extra support. Your life matters!

        Posted on

      • Ann

        Anna, Please reach out to the helpline or someone locally, no child should go through that, help is out there. You Matter

        Posted on

        • Vibrant Communications

          Ann, Thank You for reaching out and talking about your feelings and we would love to help! This platform really isn’t the best platform to help with crisis. Please take the first step in getting help by calling the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). 24/7
          We are waiting to hear from you TODAY.

          Posted on

    • Julie

      I know nothing about this blog site. It might not even really exist anymore. But I sincerely hope somebody reached out to you when you wrote that. I have been there and almost done that. I do have the scars to prove it. Oh, and a cute little napkin holder that I made while I was in-patient for telling people I was going to kill myself. I hope your life is better now. we don’t know each other but I sincerely mean that. [email protected]

      Posted on

      • Vibrant Communications

        Hello Julie, Thank you for reaching out to our community and encouraging others! Just know that we are always here for you 24/7 at the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

        Posted on

        • Raven

          I’m Raven, I’ve been thinking and planning to take my life. I have no idea what to do, and I’m so scared. I feel death nearing so quickly. I just need to know how to stop myself. Please help

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    • Sammi

      I just tied a noose for myself. My sister just said that I was a mistake. I… I don’t know how this works. How do I use this noose? Do I just hang?

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  • Susan

    Fred don’t do it please call the help line
    Life will get better. Lean on God He created you for a purpose

    Posted on

    • LaurIe

      Hi. I made a Suicide attempt when I was twenty years old and I was close to not making it. I took a medicine against my will that caused me to have permanent panic attacks. At twenty, I could barely sleep for three months while my doctor kept on telling me to admit myself to a psychiatric hospital, but I never was even admitted into a medical hospital. I believed that I did not deserve attention so I tried to end it. I am so glad that I did not succeed. The psychiatric hospital stay was not so great. The workers there lied to me that I had problems which I did not have like not knowing my real height. My friend told me that the workers wanted me to believe that I was crazy. I guess they needed patients so that they could have a job. I still believe no one gives a damn about me. I live by myself and I am fifty-two. I feel a lot of resentment towards my family for causing me to have panic disorder by forcing me to take an antipsychotic which hurt me extremely. I wonder if my family deliberately made me suicidal with bad medicine which made me feel like I was on steroids. I once was proud of my great medical and emotional health. It was ended by a narcissistic family who took me to a psychiatrist who insulted me verbally right away before I said anything. He was a poor listener. He had a poor short term memory. He seemed to have grandiose ideas about his worthiness. I worry that people will reject me for my ancestry which is having my relatives come from the Deep South for many generations. I worry about getting insulted by people who are first generation who tell me that my relatives were white supremacists. You would only understand if you are one yourself. I never thought about this until I was a Suicide survivor. There are all kinds of hateful people in this world. I had people yell at me and call me blondie, skinhead! I have been treated as myself being an abusive person because of my light hair and skin. I have been called a ghost, Nazi, antisemite, and racist. I am an Ashkenazie Jew on my Dad’s side. People tell me that I am not Jewish even though I had relatives killed in concentration camps. They tell me that I am not Jewish because that my Mom concerted to Judaism and people make it seem like a race while they are unaware of that. I do not want to lower myself to the level of people who have insulted me for my physical appearance and my color of skin and hair because it was not my choice. I still get regarded as a bad person. My friend told me that life is easier for people who look like me, so I ended our friendship. I am mixed with Hispanic, but some people do not believe it. People tell me that I have to look like my ethnicity background and ancestry. My ancestry is from Vermont and I can prove that I descended from an Abenaki named Maria Kellogg. I am called prejudiced against myself. People make all sorts of accusations. I am mostly Ukrainian Jew. My Mom is mostly English and French.. Being called an antisemite and I get called a liar when I say that I am Jewish is a form of antiSemitism against myself for the accusers not believing me. Why am I so defensive? To understand, it is not white fragility. It is about serious matters about being refused to have an independent life where I do not get threatened 24/7 to be tied down to a bed for the rest of my life or get ECT against my will. People treated me like I did not deserve respect in the past. I lived in a halfway house with young adults from special high schools, one Reika. I went to a regular high school. I guess that they did not realize it. I was screamed after about the first ten seconds I was there. I was told by a social worker that I should go back to the hospital. I was told that all the residents do not like me. I am asexual. I believe how I always refused sex caused tension between me and the male residents. Sometimes being an asexual white woman can make me look like a racist when I refuse dates. Actually, people should question whether I have a boyfriend or not. I have dated a lot of men. Maybe I seem available because I do not want anyone. My mind had too much going on. I fear that I will get judged unfairly if I do not get people to really understand and I am sure that they will not. Empathy is rare. Empathy can cause pain. Empaths feel pain when they see others suffer. I think that is what got my panic attacks. It is finally gone beverage I finally take antidepressants. Wow. They feel great. I really needed an antidepressant to help me function. I was treated like a psychotic person most of my life. There is nothing wrong with anyone having the diagnosis schizophrenia. My best friend is highly successful and that is her diagnosis. Sometimes I wonder if people with school like some of my friends are more successful than myself and others because they are sick of the stupid stigma so they prove themselves by trying harder to make a name for themselves as more productive than myself and people who do not have the diagnosis. My friends are high achievers. They have taught me a lot about how to treat others right. I am against racism against anyone including people who are part of races who disrespected me or screamed at me because I know that most people are nice.

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  • Alana

    Wel… i have been being cyber bullied on a game called msp… people tease me at school and i feel like i want to kill myself… i am 10 years old and i don’t know what to do can someone help me? 🙁 i sometimes cut and i want to stop :/

    Posted on

    • Tayana

      It will get better i hope. I get bullied on msp and other types of medias all the time at times i have tried to kill myself because it got that bad. My reason to live is because my friend had lost another friend and i couldnt stand watching her cry so i stayed and helped her with her pain and everytime i wanted to kill myself i just cut. Please stay alive for me and the world

      Posted on

      • You Matter

        Hello, Thank you for reaching out.No matter how hard things are- hurting yourself is never the answer. If you are feeling hopeless don’t hesitate to call The Lifeline. Our crisis counselors are here for you any time day or night, every day of the year at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

        Posted on

  • Alana

    Wel… i have been being cyber bullied on a game called msp… people tease me at school and i feel like i want to commit suicide </3 please help, i also cut alot!! i don't know what to do, i'm 10 years old

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  • Alana

    i’m also scared to call a help line cause what if i hurt my fam by doing it? :O

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    • You Matter

      Alana, We know that reaching out can be scary- please take the first step in getting help by calling 1-800-273-TALK (8255). The Lifeline is here for you 24/7/365.

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    • Julie

      Afraid you’re going to hurt your family by calling a helpline? What would it have done if you had taken your own life? I hope it’s all better now. You’ll probably never see this…

      Posted on

      • Vibrant Communications

        Hello Julie, Thank you for reaching out to our community and encouraging others! Don’t hesitate to call the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) if you ever need extra support. The call is free and confidential and counselors are available 24/7.

        Posted on

  • Nao

    My friends hate me, I know they talk behind my back. I’m not loved by anyone, even my parents. They never hugged me nor said they love me. Outside, I am the happiest person anyone can guess. I go crazy, and I laugh a lot. But I hate myself because that’s not me. I just hate myself. I don’t know why I exist. I desperately want to commit suicide, but I don’t have the courage to. And I hate myself for that too, because I know I shouldn’t even exist. Please help me. I don’t want to die, I just want to end this pain.

    Posted on

    • You Matter

      Nao, we can never know how much others love us. Sometimes, it is hard for people to show how much they care. Your life matters! We don’t provide crisis intervention or suicide prevention services on our blog, but we are here for you to talk to any time of day or night. Call us at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

      Posted on

    • ;

      I feel you

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    • Kat

      Nao, I understand exactly how you feel. I feel the same way exactly. Things will get better for you. You are strong and you will get through this. Even if you don’t think so, there are people that care about you. I care about you. I wish I could you a hug right now. Things will get better.

      Posted on

      • Vibrant Communications

        Nao, thank you for reaching out to our community and encouraging others! Don’t hesitate to call the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) if you ever need extra support. The call is free and confidential and counselors are available 24/7.

        Posted on

    • Julie

      Nao, I hope your life is better now. Finding all these old posts on here and it’s driving me nuts. I just want to hug you and tell you that I care. [email protected]

      Posted on

  • Fay

    I’ve been having issues with my family and friends lately and it seems to be getting worse I’m trying my hardest to stay positive about it but it’s hard. I self harm too and trying to stop for my boyfriend. It’s not working very well though

    Posted on

    • You Matter

      It sounds like you are having a tough time coping. We are always here for you at the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Call us 24/7 at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). There is nothing worth hurting yourself!

      Posted on

  • Muawiya

    I want to commit suicide because of depression… I cant call because im not American. Please help me !!!

    Posted on

    • You Matter

      I am sorry to hear you are going through so much right now, but your life does matter – don’t hesitate to call us at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). If you are outside of the United States please visit to find out about service providers in your country.

      Posted on

  • Devorah

    I go back and forth between “why am I existing? ” to “maybe I have things to do here”. I’m afraid of landing on why… I’ve had major depressive episodes, most are situational. I’ve been medically hospitalized twice, both almost one week stays, within the last 8 moths, I’m on TTD because of injury at work, and live in a small religious community (that is a part of a very large city) where it feels like I’m being judged every time I step out of my house. I’m on edge.

    Posted on

    • You Matter

      If you are feeling hopeless don’t hesitate to call The Lifeline. Our crisis counselors are here for you any time day or night, every day of the year at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

      Posted on

    • Ally

      hi, my name Ally, and Im 17. my older brother did it 2 years ago with a gun. he was my best friend in the world, and the only one i could really talk to. lately, im thinking about joining him…and its weird, but sometimes it even feels like hes calling me. i would go tmrw, except for one thing, it would kill both my parents too, since i am all they have left. my granpa is dying of prostate cancer. i go to visit him all the time, and we have talked about this, a little. he wants to end things early, to stop all the pain hes in, but i think he is staying longer for me. he told me about this book called ‘the trees, or three trees or something’ i havent been about to find it, but he said it would help give me strength. and i read alot, so i was going to try to read something about this subject too. any ideas about good books? -ally

      Posted on

      • You Matter

        We are so sorry to hear about the loss of your bother. Please call the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and our crisis counselors should be able to direct you to support services in your area.

        Posted on

  • Zevo

    My parents blame everything on me and my brother gets all the glory. Everyone I have ever knew has told me to go F yourself for no reason at all, or just a joke. People just think I can take on all of this. I can’t reach for my family because they are the ones causing this. I have no purpose but to be a pillow people can treat like trash. I’m going to kill myself people will be happier with me dead. Or now they will learn, but it is to late.

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    • Zevo

      My real name is Blake I use Zevo as a screen name so just call me Blake or Zevo

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    • You Matter

      Thank you for writing to us and I am sorry to hear you are in so much emotional pain right now. No matter what problems you are struggling with, hurting yourself isn’t the answer, your life does matter. In order to talk to a Crisis Counselor, please call the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). The call is free and confidential; we’re here for you 24/7/365.

      Posted on

  • Ann

    This game called MSP keeps sending me this link and im just dealing with too much. I self harm, have anxiety, depression, and can’t even sleep at night. I have to go to this damn support group soon and a post traumatic therapist. My mom and dad always say I come up with excuses and that they dont care about what im going through. All of my friends have depression and they bring their problems to me and im basically a pillow for them to cry on. Whenever I tell my closest friend that I cut she ends up hitting me really hard, like that’ll do anything. I can’t call the lifeline because I dont have a phone and im not allowed, and it would be really awkward trying to call off of the home phone because I dont want my parents to know. My grades are severely low and they yell at me about that even though im trying incredibly hard, its impossible to satisfy anyone in my life. Ive tried to commit suicide at least 4 times and just, everything is a fucking mess.

    Posted on

    • You Matter

      Ann, Thank you for reaching out to us however we do not provide any kind of crisis intervention or suicide prevention services on our blog. The Lifeline is here for you any time day or night at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Don’t hesitate to call us. Your life matters!

      Posted on

  • Abby

    I have been thinking about Suicide and I almost did it last night. I was just stupid and didn’t. I have been faking being happy and talking and it just takes so much energy to do it. I just feel like I don’t have a future and that things are meant to go on with out me and that I’m supposed to be dead.

    Posted on

    • You Matter

      It sounds like you’re going through a lot right now – remember, the Lifeline is here for you any time day or night, every day of the year at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Don’t hesitate to call us, your life matters!

      Posted on

  • troubled child

    All my life I was an outcast and after loosing my mom everything went downhill. There is not a day that I don’t think about killing myself. Life is not worth living. I can’t keep going on like this. Everything needs to end. NNNNNNOOOOOWWWW……….

    Posted on

    • You Matter

      No matter what you are going through hurting yourself is never the answer. The Lifeline is here for anyone struggling with difficult emotions. You do not need to be thinking about suicide to call us. The call is free and confidential, so don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Your life matters. We are very sorry for your loss, please allow us to help you, give us a call

      Posted on

  • York Y backstroker

    I am 11 years old and so far my life has been terrible. I have cut myself many times so far in the last week. My mum and grandfather abuse me a lot, but now my grandfather is gone on a trip. My mum calls me names and slaps me in public places because I’m being ’embarrassing’. When I am at home things are worse like punching and slapping my face. Once after my mum had beaten my face, my lips and eyes were swollen. The next day my very close friend asked me why do I have this bruise on my face. I had to make up some stupid excuse so I wouldn’t get I trouble with my school. This year I had a chance to have a boyfriend. We were very close and we tell each other everything. One night I decided to tell him I’m suicidal after my grandfather had hit me in the face repeatedly and been emotionally/mentally abused. He understood and I didn’t have to hide myself. After awhile I was in my room texting him how I felt and I felt better right away after talking about it. This week I have been depressed with abuse. My mum told me to ask people if they would take me in before she found someone. I asked my boyfriend if he would be ok if I stayed at his place. He said it was fine and talked to his mum about it. She seemed very nice and had tried to help me. I have trust issues and I don’t trust many people. The next day I talked to her again. She understood and I trusted her. Later today after my swim team practice I had received a message to not talk to my boyfriend from his mum. I texted my boyfriend to see what was happening, he said that she thinks that i’m manipulating him. He also told me that she doesn’t believe that i am actually cutting myself and I just want attention. I finally had enough courage to send a picture of my cut arm. His mum said I was to never see or talk to him again and get mental attention. I am now really depressed and I now really want to end my life for good.

    Posted on

    • You Matter

      York, I am sorry to hear you are going through so much right now, but your life does matter – don’t hesitate to call us at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). If you are outside of the United States please visit to find out about service providers in your country.

      Posted on

  • Kat.

    I am 13. Suicidal and depressed. I cant call the help line. I dont want my parents to see that i called. I need help. I have a therapist. She says i do it for attention. I dont. I was raped when i was seven.

    Posted on

    • You Matter

      Calling can be scary for most people but reaching out for help is the most important thing you can do for yourself. We believe in your strength. If you send us an inbox message and I can let you know about other (non-phone based) crisis intervention services. The Lifeline is here for you any time day or night at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Your life matters!

      Posted on

  • V

    There’s a kid who lives in Bangladesh that I’ve been talking to on Tumblr; they like to be called Zander. They’ve set a time 2 weeks from now. I want to help them so badly, but I can’t do much from over 4,000 miles away. They’re being abused and they have DID among many other disorders. They have a therapist and said they’ve called crisis lines and the police before, but nothing’s been done.

    Posted on

    • You Matter

      I am sorry to hear that your friend e going through so much right now, but his life does matter – don’t hesitate to call us at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) if you need more information. outside of the United States please visit to find out about service providers in his country.

      Posted on

  • David b

    I need help I’m 13 and have been thinking about killing myself for 3 years

    Posted on

    • You Matter

      Thank you for reaching out for help when you need it. This page is not intended for crisis intervention. We have crisis counselors that are available to talk on the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Your life matters and we want to help.

      Posted on

      • You Matter

        The Lifeline does offer chat based services accessible on our main website These services are available 24/7. If you have trouble connecting with a chat counselor (the queues can be long) don’t hesitate to call us at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Your life matters!

        Posted on

  • juice

    you guys should make a texting option

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  • Dennis O’Shea

    Somebody talk to me please

    Posted on

    • You Matter

      Dennis, Thank you for reaching out to us – please keep in mind our blog is not intended for crisis intervention or support services. However, the Lifeline counselors are here for you any time day or night at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). They should be able to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

      Posted on

  • Olivia

    I have no purpose in life. Everyone hates me. I have no friends. I am bullied, called really horrible names, and abused at school. I really want to commit suicide. Last year in 6 grade after school people randomly gathered around me and said,” Knock her down already!” So they did and left me in a ditch. I have no one. I am alone. I need someone. I have msp to anonymously communicate people. They make me feel worse. I cut and cry everytime I get home. I am 13 and want to Commit Suicide.

    Posted on

    • You Matter

      Thank you Olivia for writing to us and I am sorry to hear you are in so much emotional pain right now. Our page is not meant for any type of crisis intervention however the Lifeline crisis counselors are here for you any time day or night, every day of the year at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). We care Olivia, please call dear.

      Posted on

  • Gloria

    i don’t think of suicide as a solution to problems, but a way of making the pain go away. i’m 16, and was often beat and screamed at for small stuff like walking past my mom in the hallway with what seemed to her an arrogant walk. i tried to swallow my fears once and speak up about what was happening when it became too much to handle, but i backed down and decided to be portrayed as a liar because i felt so guilty for betraying my parents, who do work hard and are serious strict people. that was in January, and they haven’t put a finger on me until recently, and all the memories have come back to haunt me. and two weeks ago i was raped at school, and they alternate between helping me, and shaming me for it. i know that deserve it, but it feels wrong and unfair. i don’t know whats wrong with me. i know i should feel worse than i’m used to, but i…can’t. its like i think of my life and feel nauseous for a moment, and then i look for anything to distract myself from the feelings that are crushing me inside. mostly, i don’t think anyone can help me. i’m too afraid to go through it a second time. but if anyone has feasible advice, please help.

    Posted on

    • You Matter

      Hello Gloria,

      It’s great that you are reaching out and talking about your feelings and we would love to help! Facebook really isn’t the best platform to help with crisis intervention- If you are struggling with some tough emotions or feeling lonely please take the first step in getting help by calling the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

      Posted on

  • bryan

    in march of 2013, i killed myself. i committed suicide. i failed, in the attempt and i can tell you, you are really having a bad day when your suicide attempt fails. i went through five days of pain, as my body recovered from the overdose. sensing i was in trouble and totally in despair, i checked myself into the va hospital. they gave me a bed and some medication. they bought me some time. in that time, i had a light bulb go off in my head. i came up with a solution to prevent suicide. i want to share it with you.

    1. don’t do it.
    2. if you want to prevent the suicidal thoughts: DO SOMETHING ELSE !!!!

    make a connection, any connection.
    start dialing wrong numbers.
    talk to everyone you meet.
    get a pet goat. name him wilber.
    walk to scotsdale arizona.
    play checkers with the nuns in the park. watch out, some of them cheat.

    there are 186,273 things you can DO besides suicide. if something works, that’s great. if it doesn’t work, try something else. if you need a list of things you can do besides suicide, call the lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK.(8255). someone is waiting to talk to you.

    Posted on

    • You Matter

      Bryan, thank you for participating in our community and sharing these thoughts and the Lifeline number in order to support other and promote suicide prevention. If ever you are struggling with some tough emotions or thoughts, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Lifeline as well. Take care.

      Posted on

  • Diego

    I feel like I’ve lost everything, my family is no help, I have no friends and the love of my life has left me. We were together for two years and had plans to move in with eachother after I finished my training in the Navy. What do I do? What can I do? I feel like my only reason to live is gone.

    Posted on

    • You Matter

      Doegp: It sounds like you are having a really difficult time coping. If you need a little extra emotional support, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK. The call is free and confidential, and crisis workers are there 24/7 to assist you. The Lifeline is there for everyone.

      Posted on

      • andrea

        hi I’m hesitating to call the number because I am having those suicidal thoughts and I’m scared.

        Posted on

        • You Matter

          Andrea, we know that reaching out can be scary and do our best to make you feel comfortable. Please call us at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). We are here 24/7!

          Posted on

  • claire

    My parents took away my phone because I have bad grades from not turning stuff in. ( One F and One B) My mom isn’t letting me go to the Fall Out Boy concert and that was one of the few reasons why I haven’t killed myself yet, but it doesn’t matter. Im going to therapy and i have depression but my moms taking me to a group therapy next week. My dog got bitten by 2 maybe 3 rattlesnakes and she might have to have her leg amputated. I don’t harm myself, but I’ve visualized killing myself a lot recently. I feel lost and trapped and like deaths the only way out. I just want to cry and go to sleep forever. Im only 12 and i feel like I’m going crazy. The only people that understand me are my online friends. I feel like there’s nothing I can do.

    Posted on

    • You Matter

      In response to Claire. We are sad to hear that you are feeling this way. Please know that any time you feel misunderstood, alone, depressed, or just need to talk, we are here for 24 hours a day at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Call us anytime.

      Posted on

  • Tamara

    I read a story of a young woman who died from a brain tumor. The sad part is that she knew she had this ailment, she knew that she was ill. And she tried all she could to make herself feel well. Till the tumor grew so large she no longer had the will. She reached out to her loved ones, cried out in everyway. But all that they woul reply is can’t we try another day? Everyone was busy living life. So alone she would try harder to fight. She relied on a prescription she’d prescribed herself finished off the bottles before they’d hit the shelf. Till the poison no longer numbed the pain and her health declined everyday, she knew she could bo longer live this way. Through the pain and fear she tried her best to prepare and make the inconvenience easier for everyone else to bare. She was scolded with guilt felt replies and shot with bullets of anxiety. Discouraged from her strength and hope, hopeless and afraid. She caved into herself. Sighed and said I give up I no longer can pretend. Im not okay, I’m not okay. Im ready for the pain to end. This tumor she complained of, that caused such pain and strife, ultimately took her life. All she needed was support and reassurance to get the treatment she needed. But nobody took her seriously, she was just dramatic. Till the tumor finally conquered her and she was left defeated. She was gone long before she died, and this tumor was really no tumor, it was suicide.

    Posted on

    • You Matter

      Tamara, Thank you for sharing the story. Very sad, indeed. We hope that people are sensitive to those that are experiencing an illness, pain, etc. and offer empathy and support.

      Posted on

  • Willow

    Hi! My friend is considering suicide. They’re trying to figure out their gender identity, they self harm, they almost took a bunch of melatonin tonight, and they’re skipping meals. Im very scared for them. I just talked them out of suicide and they’re going to bed, but im not suree about the future for them. They don’t want to talk to a prevention hotline or chat. I don’t know what to do in the future and I haven’t found resources. Really, I just need something to use in the future, whether it’s comforting ideas or ways to get them to talk to someone. Thank you for doing what you do. Your website is incredible. 🙂

    Posted on

    • You Matter

      Thank you for reaching out to us and caring about your suicidal friend. Feel free to call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) yourself so that you can find out what resources are available in your friend’s area. Your call is routed to the Lifeline center closest to your area code. The local crisis center may have resources such as counseling or in-patient treatment centers that your friend can take advantage of and we can also discuss ways to help your friend. We look forward to your call.

      Posted on

  • Caleb

    My name is Caleb, the girl of my dreams, the girl I thought about marrying and doing everything with I was really gonna treat her right, but she left me because I confronted her about leaving me on read and how it felt like I was talking to a brick wall. I’m so depressed I was in love with this girl and it’s all gone, I would kill my self but it would break my mothers heart that’s the only reason why I’m still here someone help me

    Posted on

    • Vibrant Communications

      Caleb, We are sorry that you are hurting. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline @800-273-8255. We are available for you 24/7.

      Posted on

  • Liza

    I have thoughts and I feel like I can’t escape them.. I wake up every morning and I feel like I am not who I am. I put on a different face. I feel like I go in circles and everyday I try and I try and I try to find a purpose, but I can’t. At some points in my day I will look at a sharp object and say to myself what if I just end it all now. I have gotten to the point where I had the pills in my hand but I keep holding on to my life. I am tired of hoping and seeking and trying. I feel like I can disappear and no one will notice or care. My life is a joke my parents don’t care if I am happy or if I am sad. They only pressure me to be good in everything I do. My friends don’t care either I find myself alone more than accompanied by someone. I have a boyfriend but he doesn’t seem to care at all. I’m confused and I can’t find a way out. It’s like I am asleep but I’m awake at this point I do not care if I die tonight or tomorrow I don’t know why I am still here I pray to God to take me, I need help but I know no matter how hard I try no matter how hard I care for myself I can’t and won’t be able to ever be happy. I’m too nice and let people hurt me and at this point it has gone too far. I feel like my life doesn’t matter, everyday just passes and I wish I left this earth along with the hours.

    Posted on

    • Vibrant Communications

      Liza, your life definitely matters. You do not have to struggle alone. Please consider calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800-273-8255). Our counselors are available for you anytime of the day or night. We care.

      Posted on

    • Sam

      Hey Liza, my name is Sam.
      I struggle with thoughts of suicide also. The pain is so great it feels like you are physically weighed down, your insides hurt so much that you can’t eat. The pain keeps you awake at night. You tell people and they brush it off. I know how you are feeling. I feel alone. Like a freak.
      But I will not give up fighting.
      The pain. It can be healed if I decide to reach out to people who care. My life matters because God has made me for a purpose. He has also made your life for a very special purpose. Now, It’s easy to say or think that when you aren’t in a crisis, but you have to fight. There are people out there in the world whose lives would be ruined if you died. They might end up dying, because you would have been the only person to prevent them from taking their own life. They need you.
      We aren’t freaks. We are normal people who are in a lot more pain than some people. Would you call someone with cancer a freak? I didn’t think so.
      Liza, I care if you live or die. If you need to, please email me.

      Posted on

      • Vibrant Communications

        Sam, thank you for reaching out to our community and encouraging Liza! Don’t hesitate to call the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) if you ever need extra support. The call is free and confidential and counselors are available 24/7.

        Posted on

  • wacupuncturecenter

    How To Overcome Feeling Depressed

    In the normal course of our life, we come across a lot of things, most of which affect our emotions either positively or negatively. Among such things are our lifestyles, the people we associate with, our personal achievements and objectives, the weather conditions, our state of mind among others. Luckily, most of this factors are within our control which means that you can always manipulate them to work to your advantage. The last thing you want is to let this emotion get the better part of you. Depression is one of those emotions that need to be handled with a lot of care as it does not only affect the state of your health but in the extreme case can lead to death. This article will take you through some important tips on how you can overcome depression.

    Work on your lifestyle: Available research indicates that one of the major causes of depression today is our way of life; that is our eating regime, exercises, the way we associate with people, the way we live at our homes among others.Health experts recommend that you eat a healthy diet and pair it with some regular workouts if you want to help manage your mood swings. Some diets are known to cause a lot of anxiety to different types of people which mean that the earlier you know about such foods, the higher your chances of managing such situations. On the other hand, workouts are known to keep your mind and your body engaged which reduces the chances of you thinking about your personal issues that may be causing the depression.

    Get some rest: Usually, after a busy day or activity, there is a high chance that your mind or the body will be exhausted which may result in depression if you fail to get some rest. Most people especially the parents have a lot in the plate be it taking care of their family, doing the normal chores among other activities that the would wish to do before they can get some rest. In the long run, such activities cause dizziness and fatigue as you are forcing your mind to handle more than it is supposed to. Most physicians recommend that you at least sleep for six hours a day to give your mind enough time to get enough rest.

    Finally, there is time for everything, do not let your work issues to affect your family life. Most people makes the mistake of dragging their personal issues to their work which ends causing more problems and making the situations even worse. It is therefore highly recommended that you draw a line to everything, leave your work issues at your office and have fun with your family. Try as much as possible to remain relaxed without worrying about tomorrow or how your days has been.

    Posted on

  • Alex

    My life has gone downhill since I graduated, I have lost all of my friends, my family still hate that I’m gay, I have tried so hard to find anyone to help me, I’m on medication and I have a therapist but nothing feels like it’s working anymore. I had a recent attempt on my life that failed due to my inept ability to tie a knot. Living here, where everyone hates you for who you are, it eats you inside slowly, I’m a very strong person but I’m reaching the end of my rope. Sometimes I miss getting beat up, it’s the little human contact I ever got. Everything hurts, I keep scratching blood out of my thighs in my sleep, my sleep is plagued with nightmares and my waking hours are plagued with hatred for myself for being gay.

    Posted on

    • Vibrant Communications

      Alex, We are so sorry that you are struggling. But, you do not have to struggle alone. We want to help you. Please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline @800-273-8255. There will be a counselor available to talk to you 24/7.

      Posted on

  • Katherine

    I’ve been dealing with with wanting to kill myself since I was twelve I’m fourteen now. Things were just really bad for me. I tried to talk to my friends about it but none of them cared. I have one friend that seems to care but even he can’t stop me. I began cutting this year but I’ve been self harming since I was twelve. I cut up my arms and it got real bad. I wasn’t being careful about it and my parents saw the cuts. That was the last time I cut my arms now I cut my hips so that no matter what no one can see them because they will always be covered. I have no reason to live anymore. No one loves me. No one cares for me. I’m alone. I’m tired of trying to stay strong. Tired of telling everyone I’m ok when I’m not. Tired of hoping things will get better. Tired of crying myself to sleep at night. I just want the pain to go away. I just want to be able to be happy and not have these thoughts ruin it when I am happy. I’ve held on for four years but I think it’s time to just let go. To let go and just die. A couple weeks ago I was very close to slitting my wrists but I didn’t. Tonight I have pills ready so I can overdose. I have no reason to live. I just want the pain to go away and the only way I know how is to just die.

    Posted on

    • Vibrant Communications

      Katherine, we’re so sorry for all the struggles you are going through and we want to help. No matter how hard things are- hurting yourself is never the answer. Please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK. The call is free and confidential, and crisis workers are there 24/7 to assist you. Your life matters!

      Posted on

  • katherine

    I thinks it’s funny how I can encourage others and help them but I can’t help myself. I can tell everyone esle that there is someone that cares for them, loves them but I don’t think that way about myself. The way I see it: if I suffer but I’m able to help others not commit suicide then it’s fine. I’d rather help people with their sufferings and bear more on myself then not help anyone and bear a little less pain.

    Posted on

    • Vibrant Communications

      Katherine, you need support too. Don’t hesitate to call the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) if you ever need extra support. The call is free and confidential and counselors are available 24/7.

      Posted on

  • mia

    yiu ever fel like you whot to die me to!

    Posted on

    • die

      i do

      Posted on

      • Vibrant Communications

        die, it sounds like you’re going through a lot right now. No matter what problems you are struggling with, hurting yourself isn’t the answer. Your life matters! In order to talk to a Crisis Counselor, please call the Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). The call is free and confidential; we’re here for you 24/7/365.

        Posted on

    • Vibrant Communications

      mia, we’re so sorry for all the struggles you are going through and we want to help. o matter how hard things are- killing yourself is never the answer. Please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK. The call is free and confidential, and crisis workers are there 24/7 to assist you.

      Posted on

  • jay

    my name is jay im 16 i wanna die either by overdose or drowning i dont understand life it is just pain and letting people down but you occasionally find those short happiness moments it never last im ready to die and another thing i just dont wanna be around too watch my family die so i wanna go first and my mother isnt that great either the only thing i will regret is not doing it sooner so i dont have too feel all these emotions im soooo tired of it all when will it ever end i ahte life

    Posted on

    • Vibrant Communications

      Hello Jay, We’re so sorry for all the struggles you are going through and we want to help. If life ever feels like it’s not worth living, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). The call is free and confidential, and crisis workers are there 24/7 to assist you.

      Posted on

    • Hi

      I feel the same way

      Posted on

  • Hi

    I want to kill my self I don’t feel anything that the chart at the top said I just don’t want to live well I have had bad mood swings but I didn’t feel anything else on that list my life just doesn’t seem worth living please help me

    Posted on

    • Vibrant Communications

      Thank you for reaching out to us however we do not provide any kind of crisis intervention or suicide prevention services on our Facebook page. The Lifeline is here for you any time day or night at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Don’t hesitate to call us. Your life matters!

      Posted on

    • madi

      Hi,my names madi i´m 15 years old,I´m a freshman in highschool.I want to kill myself i´m done i´m a disgrace to my family i´m failing most of my classes i didn´t get my work turned in.The one i´m hurting most is my mom , my parents are divorced,my best friend died who was my papa 5 years ago.I just thought about killing myself what should i do

      Posted on

  • kayla

    Hi, my name is Kayla and I’m 15 years old. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life but, the ones I hurt the most were the people closest to me… my mom, my dad, my brother, and my best friend. my mom doesn’t trust me anymore and I’ve not had a phone in quite a while now. I feel like I’ve lost everything. my desire to wanna be a doctor, having a good relationship with my parents, I lost it all. I lost everything. I’ve always been the forgotten one in the family. my brother is everyone’s favorite. I always feel lonely and as if my parents could care less about how I feel. i’ve gone through so much these past years and don’t even have someone I can turn to…

    Posted on

    • Vibrant Communications

      I am sorry to hear you are feeling so alone right now but hurting yourself is never the answer. Don’t hesitate to call the Lifeline for support at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). We are here for you 24/7/365.

      Posted on

  • Phillis Leonski

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    Best Seo Software

    Posted on

    • Vibrant Communications

      Hello Phyillis, It is best for you to use the “contact us” link on our website to have someone qualified to respond to your question. Thank you for reaching out to You Matter.

      Posted on

  • Cody

    Ive always been pretty suicidal, but now its just getting way worse. Ive attempted about 8 times in the past and went through with it on my part, but something always goes wrong. I dont want to be here anymore… I’m 17 with no mom and my dad is going to prison for dealing drugs… I dont know what to do anymore and its driving me insane. Last year I was using really hard drugs like meth and psychedelics to try and cope because nothing else worked but i just messed my brain up more. Since then I feel like im a shell just waiting to die. The only emotion I ever truly feel anymore is sadness and I just cant stop thinking about attempting suicide again and making sure it works this time. At this point I feel like I’m just stalling the inevitable

    Posted on

    • Vibrant Communications

      Hello Cody,
      I am so sorry that you have been dealing with this, Cody I know that this must be tough on you and I want you to know that your life stills matter. sometimes it may feel like your life may not have meaning and that there is no purpose for you to live however you have provided a testimony and you may not been aware of it. You have stated that you have tried to kill yourself 8 times and yet you live because you have a purpose please reach out If you need emotional support, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK(8255). The call is free and confidential, and crisis workers are there 24/7 to assist you. The Lifeline is there for everyone. There is a chat available 24/7 at if you would prefer to text.

      Posted on

  • Becki

    I’m seriously considering taking my life.!
    I have felt so lost and alone for so long…not exactly sure where I am anymore. My partner seems to completely hate me…always calling me names and breaking me down to the point where I am hating and blaming myself more and more.
    I just wish I wasn’t such a worthless pile of wasted space..I can’t do anything right…I’m always to blame…I’m always wrong…I screw up everything….i make everyone who comes in contact with me miserable…because I am always questioning…I’m the problem and what’s wrong with this life. I’m just so sick of being the issue I’m sick of feeling alone and being me…fuk it all to hell…what’s the point in the end anyhow..

    Posted on

    • Vibrant Communications

      Becki, we’re so sorry for all the struggles you are going through with your partner and we want to help. No matter how hard things are – hurting yourself is never the answer. The Lifeline is here for you any time day or night at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Don’t hesitate to call us for extra support. Your life matters!

      Posted on

  • Megan

    I keep wanting to commit suicide and to just end it all, but I obviously haven’t yet. I feel like there’s no purpose for me and that I would be taking a weight off of everyone`s shoulders if I died. Im always wearing a mask of happiness even though I am constantly clinging to the edge of my rope. No one knows about how I feel. I don’t want to worry anyone and I keep thinking that maybe I’m just being overdramatic and dumb. I want to reach out, but I don’t want my family to see that I called, and I don’t want the hotline to send people over. Im just so scared, and I’m only 13 and I don’t know what to do.

    Posted on

    • Vibrant Communications

      Hello Megan, You are not worthless, every living being has meaning. If you are feeling like you don’t, please call us at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). The Lifeline crisis counselors are here for you any time day or night, and your life matters to us.

      Posted on

  • Kay

    I am 23 years old I just had a baby 5 months ago i found out I am 2 months pregnant my mama died last year I have nobody my child father isn’t helping with these negative thoughts of wanting to kill myself I just need somebody to confide in but he doesn’t give me that type of support I am going thru post partum depression my baby is 5 months with him I had no help I gave birth to him by myself no one was there I stayed in a hospital for 72 hours by myself my family dnt give 0fucks about me so I’m at the point where I’m ready to give up I live on the 6th floor of my apartment building where I just wanna jumb and prey I dnt make it

    Posted on

    • Vibrant Communications

      Kay, we’re so sorry for all the struggles you are going through with the post partum depression and lack of support and we want to help. No matter how hard things are – hurting yourself is never the answer. The Lifeline is here for you any time day or night at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Don’t hesitate to call us for extra support. Please call us! Your life matters!

      Posted on

  • Lilly

    i am 10 and nothing i do works. I am prepared to die, but I know I should not. help

    Posted on

    • Tara

      What happened?

      Posted on

    • madi

      Hi lily my names madi.I´m 15 years old and i´m really sorry .I wish i could help you i know i´m a stranger but you shouldn´t have to go through this.I hope that this brings some light to the darknest.If i could i would come and talk to you and try helping i´m going through the same thing.Please don´t give up your amazing

      Posted on

  • Luca

    I just turned 12 and nothing in my world make sense, including myself, I’ve thought about suicide for two years now but I have no reason too, I have a perfect family a perfect house everything I would possibly need , but somehow death is more appeasing then anything to me. My uncle died a few weeks ago at age 50 and I am starting to wonder what’s the point of living if you’re going to die at some point anyways…can’t you just shorten your life it won’t make that much of a difference. Though I feel like at school no one really cares about me, I’m the nerd that no one think is cool, the nerd who doesn’t have a normal crush, the nerd that everyone looks at and think “What a freak” that’s how I feel, though I wonder if I am just lying to myself…maybe people like me and I am not that much of nerd after all. I’ve been struggling with my though for months now and its becoming way to overwhelming, I really need help but I don’t know where to look, I feel like if I where to tell my family they would maybe over react and get really scared, and I don’t want that I am stuck and really don’t know what to do. Please Help!

    Posted on

  • Johnathon

    I am feeling hopeless and worthless with my life. Whenever something starts to go good, a sudden turn for the worse happens. I have been hospitalized and gone through therapy for attempted suicide three times already. I just want it all, including my life, to end.

    Posted on

  • Alex

    Hello Johnathon,

    I am so sorry you’ve been feeling so bad lately. These last few weeks have been similar for me , I feel like I’m floating in someone else body, it all seems so strange for me. I know I’ve never met you, but somehow by reading these few sentences I feel like I’m reading my own story. I just want to tell you something I wish people told me. You are worth your life, each and every second and don’t ever let your inner self tell you differently, cause it’s not true. Please hold on longer. I know it’s not fair that you have to suffer through this, but I promise you that there is always light at the end of the tunnel but you need to reach it and you can only do that by continuing.

    Don’t hesitate to call the hot-lines when your in a moment of stress, they’re here for you!


    Posted on

  • Megan


    Posted on

    • Anthony kendall

      Please forgive my daughter, she’s been suffering paranoid delusions ever since she found out she was adopted and Lisa is her biological mother. We really hope her new medication kicks in soon.

      Posted on

  • basketball stars

    Suicide is a tragedy that impacts families, towns, and whole countries, as well as the people who are left behind. Good post.

    Posted on