Posted by Brynne on

Mental Health First Aid

CW: Mentions of suicide and self-harm. What does it mean to be a mental health first responder? We hear this term a lot today, so let’s explore the concept and get a better understanding of who mental health first responders are and why they matter. Today, suicide remains a global leader in causes of death. […]

Read Article 3 Min Read Activism

Posted by Brynne on

A Break for the Better

My phone feels oddly heavy in my hand as I scroll through dozens of notifications. This isn’t any ordinary afternoon – this is the first afternoon in 30 days that I have had access to my normal phone and social media. For the past month, I embarked on a phone cleanse.  So what exactly do […]

Read Article 4 Min Read Advocacy

Posted by Brynne on

Season of Self-Care

As the holidays are quickly approaching, we can often get caught up in finding the perfect gift for others, baking the perfect pie, or visiting family members. But the holiday season is a great time for you to focus on yourself, and to find time for self–care. So, in this blog, I am going to […]

Read Article 6 Min Read Anxiety