Posted by Alyssa on

Moving Past Stigma

Stigma serves as one of the main reasons people delay seeking mental health care. It consists of misconceptions that label people with mental illnesses as lazy or crazy and causes them to feel rejected from society, even though they are far from alone in their struggles. Not only is stigma hurtful, it’s deadly. Suicide is […]

Read Article 6 Min Read Advocacy

Posted by Vibrant Communications on

Be there

Suicide Prevention Month stirs up a lot of different emotions for different people. While some people use this time to show that they are here to help those who are struggling, other people feel a sense of sadness, hopelessness, or despair. The topic of suicide isn’t an easy one to talk about… as I write […]

Read Article 4 Min Read Anxiety

Posted by Nicole on

Setting Yourself Free

Recently, my aunt and I were talking on the phone. She’s a hospice worker and spends her life helping others prepare for their death. She told me the story of a patient who was nearing the end of his life, yet filled with anger and frustration toward his situation. Social workers and therapists would encourage […]

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Posted by Leah on

From Rock Bottom

“So, what now?” my therapist asks expectedly. “I don’t know; I wasn’t planning on still being alive right now,” I respond, fidgeting in my seat. I left my therapist’s office a little over two weeks prior to this session with a plan. I had just turned 25 and I felt completely defeated, like my mental […]

Read Article 12 Min Read Coping

Posted by Leah on

You’ve Always Had the Power

Mental illnesses command the atmosphere like tornadoes, spinning everything around in circles until we are stuck sorting through the aftermath of a once healthy life. They tear through homes, through friendships, through careers; they do it relentlessly and without apology. Mental illness hit me hard in college. I was failing classes. I had taken a […]

Read Article 4 Min Read Anxiety