As a transgender boy, denial and the pressure of societal standards for masculinity keep me from realizing who I truly am. After all,...
What Recovery Really Feels Like
Some days you’re going to kick and scream, begging everyone to let you stop.
Just like you would take a sick day for the flu to feel better, you can do this for your emotional well-being too.
I never could have imagined how great an impact the practice of yoga would have on my life.
Hint: It begins with you.
Some days you’re going to kick and scream, begging everyone to let you stop.
At first, opening myself up to several people that I might share a class with, live in the same residence hall as, or even have mutual friends with was frightening.
Lately, “self-care” has become a hot topic among doctors, psychologists, and health care providers. Although the term is a clinical one, it simply means personal health maintenance and includes any activities you can do to improve health and treat or prevent disease. Article after article offers tips, principles, and plans for self-care. Yet, few of […]
If you are just graduating from college, have just lost your job, or are having a hard time making ends meet, you may face having to move back in with your parents. And it might suck. But don’t worry, there are plenty of things you can do to prepare yourself emotionally for the move. First […]
Losing a therapist, whatever the reason, can make you feel rejected and even angry. Here's how AJ learned to deal.
Emma knew her mom would be getting depressed during the holidays this year, so she made her a present that would warm her heart and help her through her pain. That's how the Happy Box was born.
If cats can do yoga, then maybe Brynn can too.