Posted by Leah on

Dear Leah

Dear Leah, If there was a way this letter could have gotten to you tonight, I don’t think you would have even listened. The grips of depression are relentless and intoxicating. It took years of deciding that despite the love around you, you are entirely alone. You think you are ready for your life to […]

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Posted by Gabby on

Channeling Happier Times

Many people like to think that at a certain point in life, they “peak.” This is usually thought to occur during your early to mid-20’s, or perhaps if you’re a late bloomer, your early 30’s. But me? Always the overachiever, I peaked at 13. In the thicket of puberty, pimply and hormonal, somehow I stumbled […]

Read Article 7 Min Read Coping

Posted by Jennifer on

Living With Depression

Depression isn’t just sadness. Sometimes it’s emptiness or hopelessness. Sometimes it’s struggling to get out of bed in the morning. Other times it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and there’s nothing you can do to change it. When I’m struggling with my depression, it can be hard to bring […]

Read Article 4 Min Read Coping

Posted by Vibrant Communications on


When someone is struggling, they oftentimes don’t know exactly what they are feeling. In other words, they know they aren’t feeling good, but “it” can’t be described. I, too, have had these feelings. My friends and family would ask me what was wrong, and I would say, “I don’t know. I just don’t feel right. […]

Read Article 2 Min Read Coping

Posted by Lexa on

Seven Self-care Suggestions

Self-care is trending. It’s a media buzzword thrown around casually, often with little valuable explanation. Self-care is a useful tool in general, but it can be a particularly important aspect of mental health care. While different forms of self-care can be fun and freeing, it must be taken seriously and should be well understood. Self-care […]

Read Article 4 Min Read Mental Health