The term ‘peer pressure’ is like a tree in its entirety but if you take a step back, you see that the branches make it the exquisite masterpiece it is. Needless to say, peer pressure can’t be described or explained as one mere thing. We may be pressured by dares, to participate in risky behaviors, […]
*If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, please call 911* September is National Suicide Prevention Month, making it the perfect time to learn how to have an open and compassionate conversation when you think a loved one may be at risk for suicide. Whether you’re starting the conversation or being approached by […]
It’s that time of year again, folks! We’re looking for bloggers to join the 2020 Fall/Winter You Matter Blogger Council. The deadline to apply has been extended! The new deadline is Tuesday, October 13th, 2020. You Matter has always been a space for youth, by youth, to share stories and make your voices heard. If you’re […]
What does suicide prevention mean to you? Maybe it’s something you’ve never discussed; maybe it’s something you’ve been involved in for years. Suicide prevention is a cause for everyone; it can be in homes, in towns, in schools, and simply on minds. When I first heard the term, as is the case for many other […]
Whether you are distance-learning or are going back to your school’s campus for the upcoming semester, it is important to maintain good mental health. Like others, I have noticed my mental health declining during quarantine. Many of us have or know someone who has contracted the coronavirus, and even if that doesn’t apply to you, […]
Sleep. It is one of the most important things we can do for our mental health. But during these unprecedented times many of us are struggling with getting enough, or restful, sleep. This week I had the privilege of speaking with brain health expert, Dr. Patrick Porter, about his views on the importance of sleep […]
Time management is something that many people struggle with right now, as many of us have had changes in our regular schedule due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of us have had to adjust to working and going to school online, or maybe not having these same obligations during the summer. I know for me, […]
Have you ever been told that you aren’t good enough? Have you ever been brainwashed to believe that this world would be better off without you? Bullying and cyberbullying have become an unstoppable storm in our world today. Thousands of young people are living with anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and many other mental health illnesses […]
*Content Warning – Eating Disorders: This article discusses language around eating disorders and weight loss in online spaces like the app TikTok.* TikTok, a social media platform that gained popularity in 2019 and picked up traction with college-aged students at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, on the surface is a seemingly innocent app that […]
It may seem kind of like a cliché, but have you ever heard the saying “it’s about the journey, not the destination”? That’s often how recovery can look or feel. Recovery isn’t some big, shiny end goal: it is a journey of constant improvement, growth, and, sometimes, mistakes. There isn’t a set of criteria that […]