As a transgender boy, denial and the pressure of societal standards for masculinity keep me from realizing who I truly am. After all,...
What Recovery Really Feels Like
Some days you’re going to kick and scream, begging everyone to let you stop.
Annie muses on why its important to embrace your ups and downs.
Some days you’re going to kick and scream, begging everyone to let you stop.
Parker explains why the Supreme Court’s ruling serves as a source of hope for those who identify with the queer community.
The shooting in Charleston proved that racism is not just a generational problem. As a young biracial woman, Gabrielle examines the tragedy with her unique lense.
When something is seriously stressing me out and I feel like I'm on the verge of a meltdown, I reach for my toolbox for a temporary distraction.
Parker hid in the closet for several years of his life. Then, he came out as a lesbian. But he soon realized that wasn’t his true identity and had to come out again.
Pixar’s new movie isn’t kid stuff. By personifying emotions, it shows how sadness can spiral into depression.
Surviving the death of a friend causes intense pain I would never wish on anyone else. Not after I learned how it feels to be on the other side.
As a transman, I feel that Ms. Jenner’s public coming out and the media blitz surrounding it sent the message that being different is absolutely acceptable.
The sooner you learn that there will always be someone who seems smarter, better looking, or more successful than you, the more time you’ll have to focus on your incredible self.