Posted by Julia W. on

Coping With Anxiety

I just need to get out of here. They’re too many people, too much stimuli. But leaving would be awkward, and I can’t make my feet move. I feel my heart racing and my breathing get faster, shallower. I look around for a familiar face, someone to feel safe with, but I can’t find anyone. […]

Read Article 3 Min Read Anxiety

Posted by Vibrant Communications on

Be there

Suicide Prevention Month stirs up a lot of different emotions for different people. While some people use this time to show that they are here to help those who are struggling, other people feel a sense of sadness, hopelessness, or despair. The topic of suicide isn’t an easy one to talk about… as I write […]

Read Article 4 Min Read Anxiety

Posted by Willa on

Where Did I Go?

When I find it impossible to lift myself out of bed or bring myself to smile, I think of the little girl I used to know, the little girl I used to be. In my head she exudes all the qualities I wish I still had. She finds solace in her thoughts in times of […]

Read Article 8 Min Read Anxiety