As we welcome 2024, we may choose to embark on a journey towards self-improvement. Often, this includes setting “New Year’s Resolutions” to enhance our quality of life. Resolutions are ubiquitous and vary from person to person. There is no “right” or “wrong” resolution, as each person is unique in their aspirations and desires. The term […]
*Disclaimer: I do not have personal experience with intrusive thoughts, so the following piece is drawn strictly from other resources. According to NBCNews, 94% of people have faced intrusive thoughts at least once in their lives. While I wouldn’t consider myself to fall within this percentage, such a sweeping number suggests a need for a […]
Practicing gratitude is an effective way to consciously think about what you’re thankful for. It can be a simple daily practice that helps boost your mood, improve sleep, and increase empathy. When struggling with your mental health, it can be increasingly difficult to focus on the positives in your life. Depression and anxiety can leave […]
January 1st can be an exciting time for many. The sound of the ticking clock signals a change in state, the close of one chapter, and the opening of a new one. A global holiday celebrated across all continents and cultures, New Year’s serves as a profound reminder of the passage of time and the […]
The start of the new year often brings forth resolutions and change. People frequently set ambitious goals that can be challenging to attain within their existing circumstances, leading them to abandon or break their resolutions within a month or two. According to a poll designed by the American Psychiatric Association, 76% of Americans are headed […]
TW: Panic attacks, suicidal ideation Panic attacks are scary and sometimes come without warning. When panic attacks occur, some people feel as if they are losing control, having a heart attack, or even dying. That’s why it’s helpful to know the signs of a panic attack as well as the strategies that can be used […]
Everybody has a different mental health journey and experiences that have helped them grow and feel more in control of their emotional state. Personally, talk therapy has been and continues to be one of the most essential parts of my journey to understand myself, those around me, and how I interact with the world. Although […]
As a kid, the holidays were always magic: bright lights, time with family, and a general aura of joy. I would wait all year for my favorite season, beaming with joy when the air started to turn cold. I loved the tradition, the predictability, and the consistency of my holiday plans. Never did it cross […]
Oftentimes, it can be a struggle to broach difficult subjects with our friends. However, now more than ever, discussing mental health is incredibly important, especially for teens. In 2021, over 29% of teens struggled with mental health, with LGBTQIA+ teens (52%) and girls (41%) being two of the groups most affected. As such, being there […]
According to the American Psychiatric Association, 5% of adults suffer from seasonal depression, and it typically lasts for nearly half of the year. Despite these statistics, I find that many of my friends face seasonal depression every winter when switching out of Daylight Savings time. They feel shrouded by the early sunsets and suffocated by […]