CW: Mention of Chronic Illness and Mental Health Each year, October marks the arrival of cold weather and sweaters, but it also serves as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. But breast cancer does not strike just one month out of the year- it affects the lives of many people all over the world every day. And […]
CW: Mention of Eating disorders, body dysmorphia, anxiety, and depression. Based on U.S. research, around ⅔ of all young people face some sort of insecurities about their body or have experienced body dysmorphia (Linardon). Body image issues often stem from insecurities about weight, hair, muscle mass, and skin concerns, like acne (Byrne and Young). These […]
Content Warning: Suicide Words fall short in many situations, and for those impacted by suicide in any way, this rings exceptionally true. September is National Suicide Prevention Month, a time to spread information and awareness about how to help ourselves and those around us who may be struggling with suicidal ideation. Importantly, this month brings […]
CW: Suicidal ideation, Suicide It can be challenging to reach out for help, especially in times of distress. Some people find it easier to deal with issues alone, even when the situation becomes dangerous for their own safety. That’s why having a suicide safety plan on hand can help people in times of crisis. September […]
CW: PTSD As we meet new people, we have many questions that may come up, whether it be what someone does for work, inquiries about their family, or where they were born. When we think about family, this can also include our pets. For many of us, our animals are truly part of our family. […]
CW: Suicidal ideation When I began my senior year of college, I took on a lot of responsibilities. The stress of school, sports, work, friendships, and life became overwhelming. I quickly began to develop academic burnout. Instead of slowing down, I continued pushing until burnout led to depression. It can be hard to tell the […]
CW: Binge eating, self-harm, addiction. Most people deal with stress throughout their lives. Learning to cope with stress in healthy ways can make people more resilient and help combat chronic illness and mental health issues according to the CDC. However, not all coping mechanisms are healthy. Negative coping mechanisms such as substance abuse, compulsive spending, […]
Being in a rut can mean a lot of things, but it is most commonly defined as “to not have changed what you do or how you do it for a very long time so that it is not interesting any longer” (“BE IN A RUT | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary”). Being in […]
CW: Suicidal thoughts. I’m just going to say it…life is hard, and sometimes I want to die. Sometimes I feel a rush of unbearable sadness take over me. It turns out I’m not alone. To get through some statistics quickly — from 2000 to 2018, there was a 36% increase in suicide rates, according to […]
CW: Alcoholism/Abuse A year ago, my life felt harder than it ever had before. Having a therapist at the time to talk it over with made it easier for me to recognize what I needed. I was taking on too many responsibilities while running on empty. I was always “mature for my age”, but I […]