Posted by Cooper on

Helping a Struggling Friend

Oftentimes, it can be a struggle to broach difficult subjects with our friends. However, now more than ever, discussing mental health is incredibly important, especially for teens. In 2021, over 29% of teens struggled with mental health, with LGBTQIA+ teens (52%) and girls (41%) being two of the groups most affected. As such, being there […]

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Posted by Kylie on

My Experience with Mindful Eating & How to Try It Yourself

Mindful eating is underrated – it can be so beneficial! According to Utah State University, many individuals experience improved self-esteem and a sense of empowerment from practicing regularly. Additionally, mindful eating helps our bodies absorb more nutrients! Overall, mindful eating is a great way to improve both our physical and mental/emotional relationships with food. So, […]

Read Article 5 Min Read Anxiety

Posted by Veronica on

Crisis: A Catalyst for Change

CW: Mention of suicide, and suicide ideation.  Crisis. The word itself is daunting and complicated, presenting itself uniquely in the experience of each individual. Crisis can take on many forms: perhaps it may look like suicidal ideation, relationship turmoil, financial strain, personal loss, or overbearing stress. These are just a few of the many examples […]

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Posted by Fe on

Reflecting on Transgender Day of Remembrance

CW: Transphobia and trans misogyny, discriminatory violence. This blog includes some details about the murder and violence against trans people, specifically Black trans women. If this story is too close to your heart and you need support, please visit The Trans Lifeline or The 988 Suicide & Crisis Prevention Lifeline. For members and supporters of the trans community, […]

Read Article 4 Min Read Activism

Posted by Fe on

College Tips 101

Hi, everyone! Do you want to go to college? Are you in college already? Your choice is valid, whether you choose to go to college or not; some people benefit from it and some don’t. But for those of you who do want to go to college and are worried about it and those of […]

Read Article 7 Min Read Advocacy