Posted by Aimee on

My Transformative TMS Experience

CW: Detailed discussion of medical treatments, medication, and depression. When I was 12, I started feeling depressed. Because it is a deeply chemical issue, it has never been meaningfully resolved. In short, my psychiatrist was sick of seeing me. After trying 8 medications with no positive effects, I finally found one that helped. It completely […]

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Posted by Greta on

Coming Out and Navigating My Sexuality

TW: Suicidal thoughts, depression, internalized homophobia, and panic attacks. June is Pride Month. Pride Month celebrates the many contributions made by the LGBTQ2SIA+ community to history, society, and cultures worldwide. This will be my first year of Pride as an openly queer person. It’s both scary and freeing.  The Gay Liberation Movement has come a […]

Read Article 6 Min Read Activism