Posted by Brynne on

Mental Health First Aid

CW: Mentions of suicide and self-harm. What does it mean to be a mental health first responder? We hear this term a lot today, so let’s explore the concept and get a better understanding of who mental health first responders are and why they matter. Today, suicide remains a global leader in causes of death. […]

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Posted by Aimee on

My Transformative TMS Experience

CW: Detailed discussion of medical treatments, medication, and depression. When I was 12, I started feeling depressed. Because it is a deeply chemical issue, it has never been meaningfully resolved. In short, my psychiatrist was sick of seeing me. After trying 8 medications with no positive effects, I finally found one that helped. It completely […]

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Posted by Sammantha on

Growing into Pure OCD

CW: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, homicidal urges, mentions of depression and anxiety. Disclaimer: I am not a mental health professional. The following explains my experience with OCD.   When you hear the term “OCD”, you may think of lining everything up in order or keeping your room extremely clean. You may even picture Jack Nicholson’s character in […]

Read Article 7 Min Read Advocacy

Posted by Greta on

Eating Disorders Awareness Week

CW: Eating disorders This year, Eating Disorders Awareness Week (EDAW) takes place from February 26th to March 3rd with the theme of “healing in community.” EDAW is an annual campaign that focuses on educating the public about eating disorders and provides information, hope, visibility, and support to those affected by eating disorders. According to the […]

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Posted by Kylie on

My Experience with Mindful Eating & How to Try It Yourself

Mindful eating is underrated – it can be so beneficial! According to Utah State University, many individuals experience improved self-esteem and a sense of empowerment from practicing regularly. Additionally, mindful eating helps our bodies absorb more nutrients! Overall, mindful eating is a great way to improve both our physical and mental/emotional relationships with food. So, […]

Read Article 5 Min Read Anxiety

Posted by Veronica on

Crisis: A Catalyst for Change

CW: Mention of suicide, and suicide ideation.  Crisis. The word itself is daunting and complicated, presenting itself uniquely in the experience of each individual. Crisis can take on many forms: perhaps it may look like suicidal ideation, relationship turmoil, financial strain, personal loss, or overbearing stress. These are just a few of the many examples […]

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