Posted by Cooper on

Helping a Struggling Friend

Oftentimes, it can be a struggle to broach difficult subjects with our friends. However, now more than ever, discussing mental health is incredibly important, especially for teens. In 2021, over 29% of teens struggled with mental health, with LGBTQIA+ teens (52%) and girls (41%) being two of the groups most affected. As such, being there […]

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Posted by Kylie on

My Experience with Mindful Eating & How to Try It Yourself

Mindful eating is underrated – it can be so beneficial! According to Utah State University, many individuals experience improved self-esteem and a sense of empowerment from practicing regularly. Additionally, mindful eating helps our bodies absorb more nutrients! Overall, mindful eating is a great way to improve both our physical and mental/emotional relationships with food. So, […]

Read Article 5 Min Read Anxiety

Posted by Veronica on

Crisis: A Catalyst for Change

CW: Mention of suicide, and suicide ideation.  Crisis. The word itself is daunting and complicated, presenting itself uniquely in the experience of each individual. Crisis can take on many forms: perhaps it may look like suicidal ideation, relationship turmoil, financial strain, personal loss, or overbearing stress. These are just a few of the many examples […]

Read Article 5 Min Read Activism