CW: PTSD As we meet new people, we have many questions that may come up, whether it be what someone does for work, inquiries about their family, or where they were born. When we think about family, this can also include our pets. For many of us, our animals are truly part of our family. […]
CW: Suicidal ideation When I began my senior year of college, I took on a lot of responsibilities. The stress of school, sports, work, friendships, and life became overwhelming. I quickly began to develop academic burnout. Instead of slowing down, I continued pushing until burnout led to depression. It can be hard to tell the […]
The Picture of Dorian Gray A Visit from the Goon Squad Eight Cousins On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous Journey to the Center of the Earth A Little Life Franny and Zooey Listed above are books I need to read for school and books I’d like to read for pleasure, neither of which I can accomplish. […]
You Matter blogger Fe wrote a poem to convey how they believe that everyone is infinitely valuable no matter what they look like and no matter how much or how little labor they can do. With this poem, Fe wants to remind everyone that You Matter. The world tells us That we are not enough […]
CW: Binge eating, self-harm, addiction. Most people deal with stress throughout their lives. Learning to cope with stress in healthy ways can make people more resilient and help combat chronic illness and mental health issues according to the CDC. However, not all coping mechanisms are healthy. Negative coping mechanisms such as substance abuse, compulsive spending, […]
Get outside! No, really! There are a couple of things we’ve learned through research that tie together here. First, looking around at the space we’re in can help us feel grounded. Second, when we’re in nature, our eye movement is naturally increased. That means that when we’re in “green space” (a nature trail, forest, or […]
In the United States, the month of June is Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month. However, men’s mental health often gets overlooked in part due to the stigma around it. The societal ideal of a man is strong, stoic, and supportive; most do not see men as vulnerable. When a man is open about his feelings, […]
Being in a rut can mean a lot of things, but it is most commonly defined as “to not have changed what you do or how you do it for a very long time so that it is not interesting any longer” (“BE IN A RUT | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary”). Being in […]
By the age of 10, I had already moved eight times. Since then, I’ve moved six more. The first few times, I remember being frustrated at having to shove my favorite toys into boxes and the U-Haul truck pulling in and out of my driveway. As I got older, I adopted an angsty attitude toward […]
From mindful walking to fidget cubes, I’ve been exploring tools and techniques that help me when I’m feeling anxious or overwhelmed. With the support of my therapist, I’ve been finding ones that work for me! In this blog, I’d like to introduce you to a few so you can try them, too! I’ve been collecting […]