Posted by Fe on

Enough (a poem)

You Matter blogger Fe wrote a poem to convey how they believe that everyone is infinitely valuable no matter what they look like and no matter how much or how little labor they can do. With this poem, Fe wants to remind everyone that You Matter. The world tells us That we are not enough […]

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Posted by Kylie on

Using Nature To Clear Our Minds (Why I spend time in a “green space” after each therapy session)

Get outside! No, really! There are a couple of things we’ve learned through research that tie together here. First, looking around at the space we’re in can help us feel grounded. Second, when we’re in nature, our eye movement is naturally increased. That means that when we’re in “green space” (a nature trail, forest, or […]

Read Article 4 Min Read Anxiety

Posted by Andrew S on

Men’s Mental Health

In the United States, the month of June is Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month. However, men’s mental health often gets overlooked in part due to the stigma around it. The societal ideal of a man is strong, stoic, and supportive; most do not see men as vulnerable. When a man is open about his feelings, […]

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Posted by Grace H on

Getting Out of a Rut

Being in a rut can mean a lot of things, but it is most commonly defined as “to not have changed what you do or how you do it for a very long time so that it is not interesting any longer” (“BE IN A RUT | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary”). Being in […]

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Posted by Brynne on

A Break for the Better

My phone feels oddly heavy in my hand as I scroll through dozens of notifications. This isn’t any ordinary afternoon – this is the first afternoon in 30 days that I have had access to my normal phone and social media. For the past month, I embarked on a phone cleanse.  So what exactly do […]

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Posted by Kylie on

Taking Care of Me

CW: Alcoholism/Abuse A year ago, my life felt harder than it ever had before. Having a therapist at the time to talk it over with made it easier for me to recognize what I needed. I was taking on too many responsibilities while running on empty. I was always “mature for my age”, but I […]

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