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In the aftermath of the attacks on Beirut, Baghdad, Paris, and Egypt, it’s easy to be overwhelmed. I’ve spent a couple of days reeling in shock, and have felt overcome with helplessness. As struggling young adults, will we ever feel empowered to be handed down this violence-ridden earth?

While thousands of people are mourning what they have lost, and millions of others are anticipating the losses yet to come, take this opportunity to remember all that you haven’t been denied. In order to truly stand beside the world in this war for peace, we need to keep note of the resources we’re equipped with. When we’re called to the front lines, we’ll need to call upon our internal reserves of strength. Being aware of all the goodwill, love, blessings and sacrifice in this world, will allow us to reign in this potential when it’s time.

So take this moment to reflect on all that you have gained (deserved or undeserved) so far. Use the cracks in this world to remind you of all that is still untarnished. And allow the gratitude to pour in — for all that you can stand for, and for everyone who has stood up for you.

Tonight, when you say your prayers, remember the innocent lives that have been lost.

And then, remember the friends and family who have shown you that they care. Instead of being engulfed by the shrouds of despair, remember — the strangely shaped clouds on azure skies, that friend who heard you out when you’d made up your mind to kill yourself, the dandelions you’d make wishes on, your wicked sense of humor, fresh cut grass, the color purple, your 9th birthday cake… Make a list of everything you have, to be grateful for. Channel your dismay into a prayer of thankfulness.

Do you remember how Harry Potter needed his best memories to conjure his Patronus and drive the Dementors away? Or how Percy Jackson could only retain his sanity in the River Styx, by thinking of Annabeth?

Every time the pain threatens to seep through the beauty, remember that only by keeping the light in perspective, can we expel the darkness. We’re tethered to this world, not by the discord, but by the resplendence. It’s our strongest source of power. Let’s harness it!


  • yimusanfendi

    In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.

    Posted on

  • yimusanfendi

    Actively practicing gratitude fosters a mindset of positive thinking, and this can greatly improve mental and physical health. Being grateful helps us focus on the good and gives us energy and confidence. This, in turn, leads to a healthier recovery – creating a beautiful cycle.

    Posted on

  • floarena

    Significant studies over the years have established the fact that by practicing gratitude we can handle stress better than others. By merely acknowledging and appreciating the little things in life, we can rewire the brain to deal with the present circumstances with more awareness and broader perception

    Posted on

  • trueqube

    Can you recall how Harry Potter had to use his fondest memories to summon his Patronus and fend off the Dementors? Or how Percy Jackson was able to maintain his sanity in the River Styx by focusing on thoughts of Annabeth?

    Posted on


    In the aftermath of terror, it is crucial to be grateful for the safety and resilience that remain, reminding us of the preciousness of life and the strength of our collective spirit. Gratitude helps us find solace amidst chaos and inspires unity as we embrace the power of compassion and hope.

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  • Altaf Saleem

    g jhvkbl

    Posted on

  • Invisible Locs

    In times of global unrest and uncertainty, it’s crucial to focus on gratitude and the positive aspects of life. Embracing such a perspective not only provides personal solace but also strengthens communal bonds.

    Posted on

  • Krain Gard

    In the aftermath of terror, it is crucial to be grateful for the safety and resilience that remain, reminding us of the preciousness of life and the strength of our collective spirit. Gratitude helps us find solace amidst chaos and inspires unity as we embrace the power of compassion and hope.

    Posted on

    • Andrew James

      Significant studies over the years have established the fact that by practicing gratitude we can handle stress better than others. By merely acknowledging and appreciating the little things in life, we can rewire the brain to deal with the present circumstances with more awareness and broader perception

      Posted on

  • TutorTwirl

    It is indeed backed by psychological studies that focusing on gratitude can enhance well-being, especially in times of crisis. This content is not just uplifting but grounded in science, which makes it all the more powerful.

    Posted on

  • EduSprig

    Gratitude is saying “thank you” to the good in life. It’s pausing to notice the nice things people do for you or the happy moments in your day. It’s about focusing on what you have, not what you don’t. Feeling grateful can make you happier and more relaxed. It’s like a little gift you give to yourself every day.

    Posted on

  • Baboor Sig

    Significant studies over the years have established the fact that by practicing gratitude we can handle stress better than others. By merely acknowledging and appreciating the little things in life, we can rewire the brain to deal with the present circumstances with more awareness and broader perception

    Posted on

  • LearnLattice

    Being thankful in hard times is important. It helps keep hope alive. It reminds us of good things and happy times. This can give us strength. It helps us find joy and peace even when things are very sad. It is a way to fight fear and sadness with hope and love.

    Posted on

  • Arc Aura

    We must be grateful after terror. Gratitude reminds us of life’s value. It brings communities together. It helps healing. Gratitude shows strength. It gives hope for the future. We remember the good among the bad. It keeps us moving forward.

    Posted on

  • Blaze Blink

    After terror, we must be grateful. Life is precious. People help each other. Unity grows. It shows our strength. Gratitude gives hope. We see the good. We keep going.

    Posted on

  • Blaze Bliss

    Terror is bad. After, we see good. People help. We are not alone. Gratitude brings peace. It gives strength. We move on. We grow.

    Posted on

  • Blaze Blend

    Terror hurts. After, good shows. People care. We bond. Thankfulness helps. It heals. We hope. We continue.

    Posted on

  • Echo Pledge

    Terror is sad. Goodness remains. People unite. Love wins. We find hope. Gratitude matters. Life goes on.

    Posted on

  • Pauline Bluford

    Terror is scary. It hurts people. But good things still exist. People come together. They support each other. Gratitude helps. It gives strength. We feel hope. Life continues. We heal.

    Posted on


    Gratitude contributes to the process of emotional healing and recovery after experiencing terror by fostering inner peace, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, and promoting a positive outlook on life, enabling individuals to heal emotionally and move forward.

    Posted on


    Practicing gratitude has a significant impact on mental health in the aftermath of a traumatic event like terror by reducing symptoms of PTSD, improving overall well-being, and enhancing resilience, providing a foundation for healing.

    Posted on


    Reflecting on gratitude shifts individuals’ perspectives and helps them move forward after terror by reminding them of the strength and support they have, encouraging a focus on growth and resilience, and inspiring positive action in rebuilding their lives.

    Posted on


    Gratitude fosters a sense of unity and solidarity among survivors of terror by creating a shared appreciation for what survived, encouraging mutual support, empathy, and understanding, and reinforcing the collective strength of the community.
    Gratitude combats feelings of fear, anger, and despair that often follow acts of terror by redirecting attention towards positive aspects of life, nurturing a mindset of resilience and hope, and empowering individuals to find strength amid adversity.
    Gratitude plays a vital role in preventing individuals from becoming consumed by bitterness and resentment after experiencing terror by promoting forgiveness, fostering empathy, and allowing individuals to focus on healing and rebuilding rather than dwelling on negative emotions.
    Gratitude serves as a form of self-care and self-compassion in the aftermath of a terror attack by allowing individuals to acknowledge their own strength and resilience, nurturing a positive self-image, and providing comfort and support during the healing process.
    Gratitude can contribute to the process of forgiveness and reconciliation following acts of terror by fostering understanding, empathy, and compassion towards oneself and others, creating opportunities for healing, and promoting unity and peace within the community.

    Posted on


    Gratitude helps individuals find solace and strength in the aftermath of terror by shifting their focus from what was lost to what they still have, fostering a sense of appreciation for life and resilience amidst adversity.

    Posted on


    Cultivating a sense of gratitude after experiencing acts of terror is crucial as it allows individuals to acknowledge the positive aspects of their lives, providing a counterbalance to the trauma and promoting emotional healing and growth.

    Posted on


    Gratitude contributes to the process of healing and recovery from the trauma of terror by nurturing a positive mindset, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, and fostering a sense of hope and empowerment in moving forward.

    Posted on


    Gratitude plays a vital role in fostering resilience and hope in the face of tragedy by inspiring individuals to find joy and meaning in small moments, strengthening their ability to cope with challenges, and providing a foundation for emotional and psychological well-being.

    Posted on

  • Echo Evoke

    Practicing gratitude in the aftermath of terror helps individuals find emotional stability and peace by shifting their focus towards positive aspects of their lives, fostering a sense of appreciation and reducing anxiety and distress.

    Posted on


    Embracing gratitude is crucial for finding hope and resilience after experiencing acts of terror as it allows individuals to reframe their perspective, find meaning in adversity, and draw strength from the positive aspects of their lives.

    Posted on


    Cultivating gratitude contributes to the process of rebuilding and restoring communities affected by terror by promoting a sense of unity and collective healing, fostering empathy and support among community members, and inspiring individuals to work together towards recovery.

    Posted on


    Expressing gratitude towards others impacted by terror fosters empathy, support, and a sense of unity by acknowledging shared experiences, validating emotions, and creating a supportive network that promotes healing and resilience.

    Posted on


    Acknowledging gratitude has a significant impact on an individual’s mental health and overall well-being in the aftermath of a traumatic event like terror by promoting positive emotions, reducing symptoms of post-traumatic stress, and improving resilience, leading to a more positive and adaptive recovery process.

    Posted on

  • Charles Gomez

    Gratitude empowers individuals in the aftermath of terror, helping them find strength, resilience, and meaning in adversity. It reinforces appreciation, cultivates a mindset of resilience, and enables emotional healing to overcome post-terror challenges.

    Posted on

  • Amazons AZR100x

    As young adults, we can work towards creating understanding and mutual respect among people of different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. We can also advocate for policies that promote peace and justice by participating in public discourse, engaging in peaceful protests, and volunteering in local communities. Additionally, we can support organizations working to protect human rights and provide access to education for all.

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  • WhoWho

    Why it is so important?

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  • Brandix Nova

    Recent terrorist attacks in cities like Beirut, Baghdad, Paris, and Egypt have deeply saddened many young adults. These events make them feel uncertain and concerned about the future. The world seems more divided and unpredictable. Many hope for unity and peace in the face of such challenges.

    Posted on

  • Brand Lumire

    During times of global crisis, it’s important to stay connected with loved ones for support and understanding. Limiting excessive exposure to distressing news can help maintain a balanced mindset. Engaging in daily self-care routines, like meditation or reading, can provide comfort. Remember, it’s okay to seek professional help if feelings become overwhelming.

    Posted on

  • Brand Lumire

    Life is full of ups and downs. To maintain a positive outlook, focus on the lessons each challenge brings. Find joy in small moments and remember that imperfections make life unique. Gratitude for what you have can light up even the toughest times.

    Posted on

  • Brand Lumix

    One way to pay respect to the victims of a recent tragedy is to participate in memorial services or vigils held in their honor. You can also donate to charities or funds that support the affected families. Additionally, sharing kind words or stories about the victims, or simply taking a moment of silence, can show your respect and condolences.

    Posted on

  • Brand Lynix

    One way to cope with overwhelming feelings of despair or sadness is to talk to someone you trust, like a friend or family member. Sharing your feelings can help you process them and gain perspective. It’s also beneficial to engage in activities that you enjoy, which can lift your mood. If these feelings persist, consider seeking professional help or counseling.

    Posted on

  • Brand Lynova

    In literature, characters often use positive memories or thoughts of loved ones to find strength in challenging times. For instance, in J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” series, Harry often thinks of his parents to muster courage against adversaries like Voldemort. In “The Odyssey” by Homer, Odysseus is motivated by memories of his wife Penelope and son Telemachus as he faces numerous challenges on his journey home. Similarly, in “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins, Katniss Everdeen draws strength from memories of her sister Prim and her love for Peeta to survive the deadly games. These moments highlight the power of love and memory in overcoming obstacles.

    Posted on

  • Brand Lyte

    Handling overwhelming negative emotions or pain in life requires patience and support. It’s essential to acknowledge your feelings instead of ignoring them. Talking to someone you trust or seeking professional help can offer relief. Additionally, finding healthy ways, like hobbies or exercise, to cope can make a big difference.

    Posted on

  • Brand Quantix

    The recent events in Beirut, Baghdad, Paris, and Egypt have left many people saddened and concerned. The news from these places has been alarming, affecting individuals and communities deeply. People worldwide have expressed their sympathies and support. It’s a reminder of the importance of unity and understanding during challenging times.

    Posted on

  • Brand Vadox

    During times of global crisis or tragedy, individuals can stay positive and resilient by focusing on the things they can control, rather than what they can’t. Engaging in daily routines and self-care can bring a sense of normalcy and calm. Connecting with loved ones and seeking support from the community can provide emotional strength. Lastly, limiting exposure to distressing news and focusing on uplifting stories can help maintain a hopeful perspective.

    Posted on

  • Brand Virex

    One should set aside regular times for reflection and gratitude in their life. During these moments, think about the positive events and people that bring happiness. Writing in a gratitude journal can help in recognizing these blessings. Taking the time to reflect can lead to a more positive and contented outlook on life.

    Posted on

  • Brand Zire

    During your prayers tonight, remember to be sincere and speak from your heart. Take a moment to be still and focus on your connection with a higher power. Thank the universe or deity for the blessings in your life and seek guidance or strength for any challenges you face. Lastly, let your prayer be a time of reflection and gratitude.

    Posted on

  • Lumin Aquant

    During tough times, finding solace can be achieved by focusing on things that bring comfort, like talking to a close friend or engaging in a favorite hobby. Taking a break and spending time in nature can also help refresh the mind. Remembering past challenges and how you overcame them can offer hope. Lastly, seeking support or professional help can provide guidance and a fresh perspective.

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  • Abdullah Habib


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  • Kim Johnson

    This is quite nice motivational info…

    Posted on

  • Kaif Bliss

    It’s too scary.

    Posted on

  • Fanatiqs

    Gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness.

    Posted on

  • Viko Biz

    Actively practicing gratitude fosters a mindset of positive thinking.

    Posted on

  • Zunaar

    By practicing gratitude we can handle stress better than others.

    Posted on

  • Trauo

    Gratitude helps us find solace amidst chao.

    Posted on

  • Arkue

    In times of global unrest and uncertainty, it is crucial to focus on gratitude.

    Posted on

  • Zoowai

    Gratitude inspires unity as we embrace the power of compassion and hope.

    Posted on

  • Batacoo

    By merely acknowledging and appreciating the little things in life, we can rewire the brain to deal with the present circumstances with more awareness and broader perception.

    Posted on

  • Softacq

    Focusing on gratitude can enhance well-being.

    Posted on

  • Wielur

    This content is not just uplifting but grounded in science, which makes it all the more powerful.

    Posted on


    Amidst the chaos and sorrow, it’s vital to acknowledge our inner strength. While mourning losses, we must embrace gratitude for the blessings and love around us. Let’s harness positivity to combat despair and stand united for peace.

    Posted on

  • Almundi Goes

    The quality of this post is exceptional, demonstrating thorough research and articulate expression. Its clarity and insight make it a valuable contribution to the discourse.

    Posted on