Posted by Kylie on

Mental Health Awareness

Every fall, we have a couple of back-to-back awareness months surrounding mental health. While September is dedicated to suicide prevention awareness, October focuses on mental health more broadly. With World Mental Health Day coming up on October 10th, we’re trying to spread some awareness! Spreading awareness is important because it offers connection to community, education, […]

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Posted by Cooper on

Overcoming Social Anxiety

The National Institute of Mental Health defines social anxiety as “an intense, persistent fear of being judged by others.” For many, it is not that straightforward. For those who struggle with social anxiety, it may be hard to explain why they feel uncomfortable in social situations. It can be as simple as an increased heart […]

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Posted by Fe on

Enough (a poem)

You Matter blogger Fe wrote a poem to convey how they believe that everyone is infinitely valuable no matter what they look like and no matter how much or how little labor they can do. With this poem, Fe wants to remind everyone that You Matter. The world tells us That we are not enough […]

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Posted by Kylie on

Using Nature To Clear Our Minds (Why I spend time in a “green space” after each therapy session)

Get outside! No, really! There are a couple of things we’ve learned through research that tie together here. First, looking around at the space we’re in can help us feel grounded. Second, when we’re in nature, our eye movement is naturally increased. That means that when we’re in “green space” (a nature trail, forest, or […]

Read Article 4 Min Read Anxiety