Name: Jordan
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 21
Where I live: Westmoreland, NY
If you could ask a historical figure one question, what would it be and why?
I would ask Mahatma Gandhi “How would you adapt your philosophy of nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience to address modern global challenges such as social injustice and climate change?” Gandhi was one of my favorite historical figures to learn about growing up and I think he would provide an immensely valuable perspective on how he would combat some of the complex global challenges we face today. I’m curious to know what changes he would make to his philosophies and how he would react to current issues nations are facing across the globe.
Name: Matthew
Pronouns: He/him, they/them
Age: 24
Where I Live: South Carolina
If you could ask a historical figure one thing, what would it be and why?
In college, I did my thesis on Dr. James Barry, a military doctor who died in 1865. He lived his whole adolescent and adult life as a man, and gave very particular instructions of how he should be buried (i.e. for his body to stay covered no matter what). These instructions were disregarded and it soon became sensationalized that Dr. Barry was “actually a woman”. Having done a lot of research on him, I’m fairly confident that this was not the case, and he firmly identified as a man despite whatever anatomy he had. If I could go back in time and ask a historical figure a question, it would be him. I would just ask, in confidence, if he felt like a woman. It would bring me peace to know the answer & if he didn’t, I would continue fighting back on the image of him as a woman in disguise.
Name: Cooper
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 17
Where I live: Las Vegas, Nevada
If you could ask a historical figure one question, what would it be and why?
I would want to ask Socrates how he started his philosophical journey. As someone who is interested in philosophy myself, I always find myself struggling on where to start. Is it to examine your beliefs, your upbringing, the world around you, or something else? As the founder of philosophy as we know it, I’m sure he would have incredible insight on the topic, and would help steer me in the right direction to continue my path to becoming a more knowledgeable and understanding individual.
Name: Kylie
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 23
Where I live: Kansas
If you could ask a historical figure one question, what would it be and why?
If I could ask a historical figure a question, I would ask Mildred “Babe” Didrikson Zaharias what drove her to be a professional athlete. I’d like to think that her answer might help me pursue my own passions more confidently.
Name: Fe
Pronouns: They/them
Age: 25
Where I live: Oregon
If you could ask a historical figure one question, what would it be and why?
If I could meet any historical figure, I’d want to meet Marsha P. Johnson and ask her for her autograph. Honestly, it would be amazing just to meet her at all, even without getting a question, but I’d love to get a piece of memorabilia from the experience.
Name: Veronica
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 25
If you could ask a historical figure one question, what would it be and why?
Name: Grace
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 16
Where I live: Arkansas
If you could ask a historical figure one question, what would it be and why?
I would ask Walt Disney how he stayed motivated to keep going after all the failures in his early career. It can feel so easy to give up sometimes and can be so hard to keep pursuing your goals when they seem impossible, so I have a lot of admiration for people like him who kept going.
Name: Greta
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 22
Where I live: New York
If you could ask a historical figure one question, what would it be and why?
If I could ask a historical figure one thing, I would ask them what brings them joy because, despite the time period, I think we would find similarities in the little things that bring us joy each day.
Name: Sammantha (Samm)
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 24
Where I live: Orlando, Florida
If you could ask a historical figure one question, what would it be and why?
I would love to ask Martin Luther King Jr. about how he held hope for a future he so desperately wanted to create. The tenacity of the leaders within the civil rights movement has always been so inspiring to me, and I would be honored to chat with him about his life and activism journey.
Name: Savannah
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 16
Where I live: New Jersey
If you could ask a historical figure one question, what would it be and why?
If I could ask any historical figure a question, I would ask Louisa May Alcott how she remained so persistent during her life, never afraid to give women the stories they deserve. I’d also ask how she feels about the groundbreaking impacts her works have had on the world. She is one of my biggest inspirations as not only a writer but as a woman, and being able to talk to her at all would be so life-changing!
Name: Brynne
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 15
Where I live: I’m from Illinois, but I go to a boarding school in Indiana.
If you could ask a historical figure one question, what would it be and why?
I would ask Ruth Handler, the founder of Barbie, how she feels about the Barbie movie and Barbie today.
Name: Belle
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 24
Where I Live: New Jersey
If you could ask a historical figure one thing, what would it be and why?
I would ask Ruth Bader Ginsburg about her wishes for women in the next 100 years.
7Everyone is so beautiful and full of life.
nice blog
nice one
Thanks for sharing
Amazing Question asked! Wow and what about the answer?
thank mss
Many thanks!