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In today’s climate, it’s important to discuss how families can support their children, particularly when it comes to their mental health needs. Having a child who is experiencing significant challenges is difficult, and it often feels like nothing seems to help, no matter what you try. I can’t even imagine what my family went through watching me at the height of my struggles during the pandemic when we were all cooped up at home. With this in mind, I believe there are helpful steps that families can take to better support their children. In this blog, I will go through a few things that my family learned through our experience navigating my mental health journey together. 

The first step is acknowledging what your child or family member is going through. Listen to them and actively seek to understand what they’re trying to tell you. Try not to make assumptions about what they’re feeling. They will do their best to convey their feelings to you, so all you can do is listen and process to the best of your ability. 

The next step is to provide as much ongoing support as you can to your child or family member, even if they seem to be improving. They may need you to be more consistent or check in with them regularly, even if they don’t know how to express it. For me personally, when I entered that dark place in my head, it really helped to have a member of my family just come and sit with me, console me, and show me they are supportive. Something important to note is that you can never discount the importance of professional help. I often told my parents that I did not want to go to therapy or any other professional help because I felt I could do it on my own with the support of my family. However, I soon realized it was not something that I could handle alone.  As much as my family did support me, I needed additional help to supplement that. I resisted initially, but after going to therapy for a little bit, it did have a positive impact on my mental health.

Another step is to remind yourself that it is okay to not always understand exactly what your child is going through.! This is okay! It’s extremely difficult to envision the struggles if you haven’t been through them yourself. Looking back on the immense hurdles that I faced, I still struggle to put them into words and fully explain my experiences to others. Although you may not be able to fully comprehend what is going through your child’s head, all you can do is support them and get them the help they need. This journey is also meant for you, and this too shall pass. But for now, your child or family member needs you. 

Lastly, remove the stigma around mental health. In my experience, my family was often afraid to mention my struggles to our friends or extended family members for fear of judgment. Eventually, my mom reached out to a local online group of mothers and asked for recommendations for therapists. She was astonished to see the amount of other parents and family members who were going through similar situations, and she finally felt she wasn’t alone. Talk to other parents or relatives – I can assure you that you will find solace in the fact that you are not unique in this matter. Find support from others experiencing the same pain that you feel and together you will all overcome. It is important to remember that as you support your child or relative, it is okay to also seek out help for yourself along the way.

As we navigate today’s world, it is important to remind yourself to support your child or family no matter what. If you remain dedicated to supporting them, you have the power to help them find themselves in a time of great struggle. With this, it is important to remember that help is available for you too along the way. As you support others, make sure you feel well-equipped and secure on your own mental health journey. When you use these strategies that I’ve shared and persist, a light may shine for your family at the end of the tunnel.

My family and I.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call, text, or chat with the Lifeline at 988 or




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