It’s easy to get distracted by your phone. With so many cool apps and things to do on it, it can be easy to get sucked in. While sometimes it’s good to take a break from your phone and social media, sometimes you can use them to help.
Sometimes it can be hard to find time to sit at home and actually write in a journal. This app is the place where you can journal on the bus or when you’re out and waiting on a friend. You can write whatever you want and keep it private or allow it to be public. Also, you can share it with a friend or your therapist if you deem fit.
This is a great resource for if you feel like hurting yourself. It helps get you access to different helplines and crisis centers. It also has other resources like being able to keep a diary, things to do if you need distracted, and a medication list and reminder.
You can choose to use the app in Private or Community Mode. There are lots of different features in this app. You can take a picture of something you do to “savor the moment,” kind of like accessing your happy place. There is also a gratitude activity, and there is another activity called Aspire where you can put stuff that you’re looking forward to, like a camping trip or concert. Other activities include focusing on doing good things for others and how it made you feel, empathizing feature, and a tool to walk you through doing a body scan. There are also stories on Happify Daily to give you a renewed faith in humanity.
I really like this app because when you are in a crisis, you can listen to other people’s stories of how things turned around. While it is geared towards veterans, the messages can benefit everyone. There are resources for suicide prevention in the app, including being able to call the Lifeline. There is also a “suggested activities” feature to help you find a way to distract yourself.
While this is in no way a comprehensive list, there are more suggestions on Zur Institute. You can look under different specific categories, like Bipolar Disorder, Dream Analysis, and many more to find apps that might work for you. Remember that you can always share results with your parents or guardians and your therapist.
3Is there a non-apple version????
Not sure about Stigma, but other 3 apps are available on Google Play Store,
I’m using Lifebuoy this app give me lots of good things like how many steps I have walk what I need to eat, etc.